Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Is Google falling behind in search as it gets ambushed by Facebook and Microsoft?

They have the best algorithm, many of us have made money on their stock on multiple occasions throughout the years, they truly want to make a difference in the world, and they aren't evil - but is the darling of search about to get it's ass kicked?

Social relevancy isn't everything but it sure counts for a lot these days as we struggle through pages of irrelevant search results. As Microsoft's Bing partners with Facebook to deliver a simple and elegant social search solution it becomes clear that we could all use a little help from our friends. I've even started using Ping on iTunes with suprising results.

Now the #2 and fastest growing search engine (Bing) partners with the #1 in social networking to deliver what may end up being the most powerful combination in search. Facebook already counts for more click-throughs than Google when it comes to media links and you can bet that Microsoft is betting that the same strategy will work for them too. The ability to 'Like' a link as well as share or email search finds directly with your friends on Facebook is a huge plus. Zuckerberg was very accurate when he pointed out this morning during the press conference that search UI has not changed in years and Bing has made great strides in evolving this.

Now, I don't like to see anyone fail, and like everyone else, I am a BIG Google fan.  However this is sure to be a big wakeup call for Google to get their Buzz on...and fast.

Microsoft stock is starting to look a whole lot more interesting.

For details on the features that are launching take a look at the links below.

Posted via email from Jared Hendler

Friday, October 08, 2010

What's the Gap's real story behind their new logo?

In case you have not seen it, Gap's debut of a new logo created much controversy over the past few days, with Gap coming out to say that not only are they open to suggestions but that this is a part of a new crowdsourcing project. I don't buy it. It feels more like an ill-conceived excuse to not stand by their marketing partner and their own convictions in the face of controversy.

By not standing behind their newly created mark, the company shows their weakness in direction. Gap needs to get back to delivering an innovative product and simple American storytelling. Something American Apparel and their CEO Dov Charney (a Canadian to boot!) stole right out from under their noses.

Posted via email from Jared Hendler

Friday, October 01, 2010

Social media - the new code of conduct is ultimately our savior.

As we look to  build our own personal brands, we have quickly realized the danger of full transparency - especially without the likes of some very personalized privacy settings. With many an HR department screening candidates via Twitter and FB, social discrepancy is becoming more the norm than not. You could even argue that this modern day 'skin' replicates the table manners of yore. Just as socially accepted etiquette hid behind a wide brimmed fedora or classically trained table manners, we are now fast-realizing that a code of social conduct is not only re-emerging, but, after a period of balls-to-the-wall, no-holds-barred-t-&-a-in-your-face transparency, is actually welcomed.

As the social web continues to press our comfort levels, lets not be surprised that this code of conduct is what saves our society...helps us save face and at it's very core helps uphold the civility that ultimately holds our civilization together.

As an aside, it's funny how this personally means that we need to watch what we post, but for companies or brands we demand full transparency.

Posted via email from Jared Hendler