Friday, December 24, 2010

The Gift of a Personal .com.

This holiday season, give yourself the gift of securing your own personal .com address. "Now why would I need that?" you ask, "...especially when I have my own Facebook and LinkedIn profiles???". It's a great questions - but think about you want Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Tumblr or any one of these singularly focused networks to define who you are, especially when your own personal expression has to conform to their template? Granted, some give you more flexibility than others, but regardless, any one of these profiles by themselves misrepresent us as a whole. It really does make sense for every single one of us to have a destination URL. An easy to find 101 on us. One that jumps to the top of search queries, saving folks from having to gather info from all of your online profiles - assuming they can even find them. and do just that. A recent review gives the more favorable review, but you can be sure that added features are on the way for Flavors. wins the taste test over its profile page competitor Originally a sceptic, despite the fact that I have had my own site up at for many years now, @agreenberg ( convinced me that this tactic is not just for us geeks in the 'tech' industry. Overall, this is a simple idea that I'm betting really takes off. So, take control of your own personal brand and give yourself the gift of a personal URL before the land grab for names begin. It will be the gift that keeps on giving.

Posted via email from Jared Hendler